“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” Review

Directed by Wes Ball, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” continues the legacy of the iconic franchise that began with Rupert Wyatt’s 2011 revival, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.” The film embraces the values established by its predecessors—fairness, loyalty, and communal solidarity—while delivering an exciting and visually articulate sci-fi adventure. “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” Review.

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” Review:

The story is set generations after the events of “War for the Planet of the Apes,” during the time of Caesar. Young chimpanzees Noa, Anaya, and Soona of the Eagle Clan embark on a daring mission to find an eagle egg, a ritual that will bond them with the majestic bird over the years. The film explores themes of identity, survival, and the delicate balance between humans and apes.

Wes Ball skillfully weaves action-packed setpieces with thoughtful storytelling. Unlike some franchises that prioritize fan service, “Kingdom” feels like a natural continuation of the saga. The CGI ape faces are remarkably well-done, and the film’s visual effects contribute to its immersive world-building.

The heart of the film lies in its exploration of humanity. While the apes take center stage, the narrative raises questions about our own species. What defines us? How do we coexist with other creatures? These difficult questions resonate throughout the film, making it more than just a spectacle.

Andy Serkis, reprising his role as Caesar, delivers another outstanding performance through groundbreaking motion capture technology. His nuanced portrayal captures the struggle of a leader torn between loyalty to his kind and the desire for peace. The film’s emotional weight rests on Serkis’s shoulders, and he carries it with grace.

The film’s pacing is commendable. There are no wasted scenes or ideas; every moment serves a purpose. Josh Friedman’s screenplay ensures coherence, and Wes Ball’s direction keeps the audience engaged. The action sequences are thrilling, but they never overshadow the film’s deeper themes.


In a world where big-budget blockbusters often prioritize explosions over substance, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” stands out. It reminds us that thoughtful storytelling can coexist with visual spectacle. As the franchise evolves, we hope it continues to explore new territory while staying true to its core values.

In summary, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is a triumph—a film that entertains, challenges, and leaves us pondering our place in the world. Whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer, this installment is worth watching.

Rating: 3/5


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