Superstar Mahesh Babu will start shooting Trivikram Srinivas’s directorial SSMB 28 in August. Right now, the star is on an overseas tour to admit his son to a prestigious university. If not for this, the movie should already have been on the schedule by now. According to the inside sources, Mahesh has demanded a whopping Rs 75 Crores for this film. The producers Harikaa and Hassine Creations are okay with giving whatever Superstar needed but they had a condition for the star. It is being said that the producers have asked Mahesh not to involve his banner GMB Entertainment in the production. That includes no involvement from Mahesh’s side team too.
It’s been on the news for the past month regarding Mahesh’s corrections to the scripts written by Trivikram. Even though it didn’t make a lot of difference for Superstar, the HH banner was under pressure because of the growing interest for money they have loaned for SSMB28.
With this remuneration, Mahesh has become the top star in Telugu in terms of remuneration for a single language film. Meanwhile, the director of the film Trivikram Srinivas too is rumoured to be taking home a check of Rs 50 Crores. Combinedly, the budget of the film has already reached Rs 125 Crores without even starting the shoot. It has to be seen what will be the final budget of the film once the shoot is completed!