Nani and Karthi wants to do each other’s movies

One of the anticipated films of Karthi, Japan Telugu pre-release event happened on November 3. Ponniyin Selvan actor spoke about his friendship with Nani who graced the event. Karthi spoke great things about Nani and praised his hardworking nature.

During one of their discussions, one question was what if one has to do a film that the other has done and both the stars gave a film to the opposite one and Nani responded by saying Karthi would suit Dasara. Nani thinks Karthi did so many rugged films and Dasara would fit perfectly for him.

Karthi said Nani would be a perfect fit for “Na Peru Siva”. However, both the stars haven’t ruled out the possibility of starring in each other’s film but both of them are open to doing multi-starrer films.


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