Hundreds of theatres across the country, thousands of shows. Imagine collecting just Rs 4000 and only 20 tickets sold all over India. This is what Kangana Ranaut’s Dhaakad has collected on its 8th day after release. One has to agree that this unwanted record severely crushed the star’s image. Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt’s GangubaiKathiawadi is still going strong and collected Rs 5.01 cr net on its second Friday. Karthik Aryan’s Bhool Bhulaiyaa, which was released alongside Dhaakad has already collected Rs 100 Crores. While Dhaakad barely made Rs 50 lakhs on an opening day, the Karthik Starrer looted Rs 14 crores.
On the other hand, members had a field day. A lot of them had trolled Kangana heavily. At the same time, a Twitter user shared Kangana’s pic with her bodyguards and said that they were the only audience who watched the film on the 8th day. Another user called her the most consistent actor in delivering the flops back to back, saying she got eight failures in a row.
Another user shared a pic of an unknown person standing with a brick in his hand and captioned indicating that those 20 persons will be currently standing outside her house with the stones. One would guess that Kangana’s political affiliation and involvement might also be one of the reasons behind this backlash against her.