As fans are eagerly waiting for Ajith Kumar’s next movie update, the moviemakers have good news for them. Tentatively titled AK61, the movie is being shot at a brisk pace in Hyderabad. Producer Boney Kapoor has revealed in a recent interview that already the 36 days of the film’s shoot were completed. If everything falls in place as expected, then the shooting can be wrapped up by August and the movie will be eyeing the Diwali2022 release, says the ace producer.
After the back to back blockbusters of Nerkonda Paarvai and Valimai, the Ajith-Vinoth superhit combo is back again. Ajith sported a rare clean-shaven look in Valimai and will be back to his big beard salt and pepper look for AK61. While Manju Warrier will be seen in a leading female role, Samuthira Khani too will be essaying a key character in the movie, says the Kollywood sources. Ajith will dance to the tunes of Ghibran.