What is Sexual orientation, here’s a guide to understand one’s Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation refers to understanding and identifying whom an individual is attracted towards, a person could be attracted towards the opposite gender is referred as a heterosexual, a person attracted towards the same gender is referred as a homosexual and a person who is into self and no other gender or creature is an asexual.

A person is determined by their sex at birth, either male or female, but they can choose how they identify themselves. They can refer to themselves in various ways, namely as a male, female, homosexual male, or homosexual female or more. 

What is LGBTQ2+? Here are a few terms that one needs to know about genders.

  •  L stands for lesbian, where a woman is emotionally, mentally and physically attracted to or is interested in a female.
  • G stands for Gay, where a male is attracted to another male in terms of physical, emotional and mental attributes.
  • B stands for binary, where a male or a female is interested in either gender. 
  • T stands for an individual who denies the sex allowed at birth, either male or female. They prefer being identified in a gender they consider themselves to be.
  • Q stands for queer; these individuals identify themselves differently than the terms of sexuality that are often taught and are identified; they are individuals who are equally normal and share their preferences as others.
  • 2+ refers to identities that are or are to be identified.



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