What is 54321 technique? Struggling with Anxiety? Master Anxiety with this technique

Anxiety is a major problem in recent times; Anxiety is a natural response when stressed. A few symptoms of Anxiety encompass feeling nauseous, fear towards someone or something, and experiencing the feeling of fright when encountering a traumatic incident similar to what occurred in the past.

What is 54321 technique? Struggling with Anxiety? Master Anxiety with this technique

Anxiety differs from one individual to another. A psychological technique attempts to master Anxiety. 54321 Technique is a therapeutical approach to ease Anxiety. This technique helps in mastering Anxiety by self or as well as under the supervision of a professional. 54321 technique helps in deviating oneself from feeling Anxious and understanding that emotion that is hard to identify. 

5 things to see

4 things to touch

3 things to hear

2 things to smell

1 thing to taste

The activity is performed by first taking a long breath through the nose and breathing out through the mouth. Then, an individual needs to find five things to see, find four things to touch, listen to three things, sense two things to smell and find one thing to taste. 

54321 technique is a way to identify an emotion that goes unnoticed. After performing the process, one tends to introspect what they are feeling, which helps them identify the reason or emotion that led to feeling anxious.

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