Sushmita and Sreegauri Sawant have this one thing in common

Sushmita  Sen

Sushmita  Sen will soon appear in Taali, the film Taali is based on Shreegauri Sawant, a transgender activist who was the first in her community to adopt a baby girl after the baby’s mother passed away. 

During an interview, Sushmita shared a battle that connects her and Shreegauri Sawant, both of them happened to struggle when it came to adopting their children, they had to fight to unite with their children. Sushmita states both of them are unconventional. 

She suggested the journey they had was filled with various ups and downs, the actress states that her journey was hard but she had someone to support, let it family, friends, or someone but Shreegauri Sawant had no one she had to fight it all by herself, all alone.

Sushmitha also stated that Shreegauri Sawant is a believer and so is she, she further stated, ” She is courageous and I believe I am courageous.” Sushmitha was seen speaking highly of Shreegauri Sawant because of what she has done to society and how much she contributed to her community. 

Taali will release on 15th August 2023 on Jio Cinemas.

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