Unconventional Habits of “Crew” : Tabu, Kareena Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon

Unconventional Habits of “Crew”: In the glittering world of Bollywood, where fame and glamour collide, our favourite celebrities often harbour intriguing habits that set them apart. Let’s delve into the unconventional routines of three remarkable actresses: Tabu, Kareena Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon.

Tabu: The Midnight Reader

Tabu, the enigmatic actress known for her intense performances, has a lesser-known quirk: her love for midnight reading. Tabu immerses herself in novels, scripts, and thought-provoking literature when the world sleeps. Her dimly lit study becomes a sanctuary where fictional worlds come alive. Whether it’s a classic novel or a gripping thriller, Tabu’s late-night rendezvous with words fuels her creativity and keeps her mind sharp.

Kareena Kapoor: The Coffee Connoisseur

Kareena Kapoor, the epitome of elegance and style, begins her day with a ritual that borders on obsession: her morning coffee. But this isn’t your average cup of joe. Kareena meticulously grinds her coffee beans, ensuring the perfect blend. Her coffee-making process is non-negotiable, whether on a film set or at home. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee accompanies her throughout the day, infusing her with energy and focus.

Kriti Sanon: The Plant Whisperer

Kriti Sanon, the rising star with a penchant for eco-conscious living, has a unique talent: she communicates with plants. Her balcony resembles a mini jungle, with lush greenery thriving under her care. Kriti talks to her plants, plays soothing music, and swears they respond positively. Her serene moments spent tending to her green companions recharge her spirit and keep her grounded amidst the chaos of showbiz.

Breaking Stereotypes, One Habit at a Time

Unconventional Habits of “Crew“: These unconventional habits reveal that our favourite Bollywood celebrities are more than just their on-screen personas. They’re multifaceted individuals with quirks that make them relatable and endearing. Whether escaping into fictional worlds, savouring the perfect cup of coffee, or nurturing plants, these habits add depth to their personalities.

As we celebrate their talent, let’s also appreciate their uniqueness—the little quirks that make them human. After all, these weird habits contribute to their charm and keep us intrigued.


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