The production company is responsible, Zoya on Harrassment

The glitz and glamour of the film industry often conceal a darker side—one that involves harassment, abuse, and exploitation. Behind the scenes, where the cameras roll and the magic happens, there exists a troubling reality that we must confront: sexual harassment on film sets. The production company is responsible for the harassment on sets, says Zoya Akhtar.

The Silent Struggle

For years, victims of harassment have suffered in silence. The power dynamics inherent in the industry make it difficult for them to speak out. Fear of retaliation, blacklisting, and damage to their careers keeps many victims from seeking justice. But times are changing, and the spotlight is now on this pervasive issue.

The Absence of Safeguards

One of the critical problems is the lack of proper mechanisms to address harassment. Unlike corporate workplaces, where internal committees (ICs) are common, the film industry has been slow to adopt such structures. ICs provide a safe space for employees to report incidents, seek redressal, and ensure a healthier work environment.

Legal Implications

The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013 applies to the entertainment industry as well. Principal employers—often producers—are liable for any harassment incidents that occur on their sets, regardless of whether they were aware of them. This legal framework underscores the need for proactive measures.

Zoya on Harrassment:

Breaking the Silence:

As survivors share their stories, the industry must listen. More than 1,400 members of the entertainment workers’ union have revealed their experiences of bullying and harassment. It’s time to dismantle the culture of fear and create an environment where victims can speak up without fear of reprisal.

Zoya spoke about the need to be vocal about what has happened. She told,’ A man should learn not to commit to those sins or use women and the chance accordingly to satisfy his needs. and women should learn to talk about it and solve it. Rather than being silent and staying home because something that way happened.

She also said, ‘The production houses are responsible for the harrassment. The production house should create a safe enviroment to the workers. from actors to every crew member.”


Harassment on film sets is not an isolated problem—it’s systemic. By implementing ICs, enforcing legal provisions, and fostering a culture of empathy and respect, we can rewrite this narrative. Let’s ensure that creativity thrives without compromising the well-being of those who bring our favorite stories to life.


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