Talented filmmaker Vignesh Shivan recently came up with an exciting film titled ‘Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal’. Starring Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, Lady Superstar Nayanthara, and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the lead roles, the movie failed at the box office. The makers dubbed the film into Telugu, but it could not perform well in Telugu.
The makers decided to drop it on the OTT platform this month itself. In less time after the theatrical release, the movie will have a grand release on Disney+ Hotstar on the 27th of May.
The film features a triangular love story and is heavily based on the lead actors’ performances. Disney+ Hotstar bagged the streaming rights of the movie for a whopping amount, and the Telugu version of the film will also be made available on the same day.
Anirudh Ravichander composed the music for the film. Seven Screen Studios produced the film. Stay tuned to us for more updates on the same.