Farah Khan steps out with the Bollywood Wives for lunch: Farah takes the high society to bhojanalay

Farah Khan steps out with the Bollywood Wives for lunch: Farah takes the high society to bhojanalay

Farah Khan, the acclaimed filmmaker and choreographer, recently enjoyed a lunch outing with her close companions from the Bollywood circle. Joined by Maheep Kapoor, Seema Sajdeh, Bhavna Pandey, and Neelam Kothari.

Where did Farah Khan take the Bollywood Wives for lunch?

The group set out to Sri Thakkar Bhojanalay, renowned for its delectable Gujarati cuisine, as per Farah’s recommendation. Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the eatery, Farah Khan indulged in a splendid vegetarian thali, savoring the flavors and aromas unique to Gujarati culinary traditions. This outing marked a delightful excursion into the realm of high society mingling with the simplicity of traditional bhojanalay fare.

As the group relished each dish laid before them, the friendship among friends added an extra flavor to the dining experience. Farah Khan, known for her artistic flair and penchant for creativity, this rendezvous served as a welcome respite from her busy schedule, allowing her to unwind and enjoy the company of cherished friends. Surrounded by like-minded individuals, the lunch affair became more than just an indulgence. The group had conversations that encompassed Food, Men, and Se*. Farah Khan was also seen asserting to her friends that no diet and skin care conversations are welcomed and urged them to have a great time and eat to their heart’s content.

Amid the lunchtime chatter, the group immersed themselves in the cultural tapestry woven by the flavors of Gujarat. From the tangy dhoklas to the aromatic dal, at Sri Thakkar Bhojanalay.

Farah Khan and Bollywood Wives bid farewell to the bhojanalay, their hearts, and stomachs full from the memorable lunchtime excursion. With promises of future outings and continued camaraderie, the group dispersed, carrying with them the lingering flavors of an afternoon well spent in each other’s company.


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