The Tamil Nadu Theatres Association Passes a Resolution with Demands for Kollywood.

The Tamil Nadu Theatres Association recently made headlines by passing a resolution that includes more than ten demands aimed at benefiting the local film industry, commonly known as Kollywood. The resolution focuses on key points that seek to address the challenges faced by theatres and filmmakers.

One of the major demands put forth by the association is that all the top heroes of Kollywood commit to doing at least two films in a calendar year. This move aims to ensure a steady flow of releases and provide audiences with a consistent supply of quality entertainment.

Another significant point highlighted in the resolution is the decision to allow movies to be released on Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms after a period of eight weeks from their theatrical release. This step acknowledges the growing popularity of streaming services and aims to strike a balance between theatrical exhibitions and digital distribution.

The resolution reflects the association’s efforts to navigate the evolving landscape of the film industry and adapt to changing consumer preferences. It is hoped that these demands will help revive the theatrical experience and ensure the continued success of Kollywood in Tamil Nadu.


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