Natasa Stankovic and Hardik Pandya: Are They Headed for a Split?

Natasa Stankovic, Serbian model and actor, and cricketer Hardik Pandya tied the knot on May 31, 2020. The couple welcomed their first child, son Agastya, on July 30, 2020. However, recent speculations on Reddit suggest that the couple might be heading towards a split.

Speculation on Reddit About Natasa and Hardik

A recent Reddit post titled “Natasa and Hardik separated?” has garnered significant attention. The post speculates about the couple’s relationship status, noting that both Natasa and Hardik have stopped posting about each other on Instagram Stories. It also mentions that Natasa has removed Hardik’s name from her Instagram profile, and there were no birthday posts from Hardik on Natasa’s birthday on March 4.

Online Bullying and Lack of Public Appearances

Earlier in March 2024, Natasa faced online bullying due to Hardik’s performance in the IPL. The Reddit post also highlighted that Natasa has deleted several recent posts of her and Hardik, except those featuring their son Agastya. Additionally, she hasn’t been seen in the stands during the IPL or posting about the team, which has fueled further speculation about their relationship.

Reactions from Reddit Users

Reddit users have had mixed reactions to the speculation. Some believe there might be truth to the rumors, while others think it’s too early to draw conclusions. One user commented, “Not surprised at all,” while another mentioned, “Okay, so someone commented on that Gill expose post that Hardik cheats on her. And that he was seen in London with some other girl.”

Possible Reasons Behind the Speculation

Some users argue that the speculation might be premature. One user wrote, “But she hasn’t deleted all the pics with him so as of now I think too early to speculate.” Another user suggested that Hardik might have asked Natasa to stay lowkey due to the online trolling and hate she has received because of his performance in the IPL. This is not uncommon, as cricketers’ wives often face harsh criticism and threats from fans.

Impact of IPL Performance on Their Relationship

Recently, Natasa was heavily trolled for Hardik’s performance in IPL 2024. The comments sections of her Instagram posts were flooded with insults and derogatory remarks targeting her over Mumbai Indians’ poor start in the IPL. This online harassment could be a significant reason why the couple has chosen to keep a low profile.


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