Esha Gupta Opens Up About Fertility and Motherhood


Esha Gupta, the Bollywood actor known for her roles in films like “Jannat 2,” recently discussed her journey towards motherhood and fertility preservation in a candid interview. From freezing her eggs to planning a future with her Spanish boyfriend, Manuel Campos Guallar, Gupta shared insights into her personal life and aspirations.

Egg Freezing Decision:

In 2017, before meeting Manuel, Esha Gupta made the proactive decision to freeze her eggs, recognizing the importance of preserving her fertility while in good health. Despite the expense involved, Gupta prioritized her long-term health and future family planning by undergoing the procedure.

Relationship with Manuel:

Gupta and Manuel’s relationship blossomed organically, leading to a mutual understanding of their shared goals regarding marriage and parenthood. The couple’s commitment to each other was evident from the outset, with both parties clear about their intentions to build a life together and start a family.

End Goal: Marriage and Children:

For Gupta, marriage and motherhood have always been cherished aspirations. Expressing her fondness for children and her desire for a family, she humorously remarked that if she weren’t an actor, she would have likely already had three children by now. With Manuel supportive of various options, including surrogacy and adoption, Gupta feels reassured about their future together.

Family Planning Approach:

Gupta’s decision to freeze her eggs was influenced by her aunt’s suggestion to prioritize her health while considering future fertility options. When Gupta and Manuel decide to start a family, they plan to explore methods such as IVF or surrogacy, depending on their marital timeline and Gupta’s health status at the time.

Long-Term Relationship:

Having been together for almost five years, Gupta and Manuel’s relationship reflects a deep connection and mutual understanding. Their shared values and commitment to each other pave the way for a harmonious journey towards marriage and parenthood.

Closing Thoughts:

Esha Gupta’s candid revelations about her fertility journey and relationship with Manuel offer a glimpse into her personal life beyond the glitz and glamour of Bollywood. As she navigates the path towards motherhood with determination and foresight, Gupta’s story resonates with many women facing similar decisions about family planning and fertility preservation in today’s world.


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