Checkout most famous songs and artist

Determining the most popular songs is subjective and can vary depending on different factors such as personal taste, cultural influence, and current trends. However, here are some widely recognized and highly popular songs that have made a significant impact in the music industry:

1. “Gangnam Style” by Psy – Released in 2012, this catchy K-pop song became a global phenomenon and broke records with its infectious beat and quirky music video.

2. “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran – This chart-topping song dominated the charts worldwide with its catchy melody and relatable lyrics.

3. “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee – This Spanish-language hit took the world by storm in 2017, becoming one of the most streamed and viewed songs on various platforms.

4. “Hello” by Adele – Adele’s soulful and powerful vocals captivated audiences worldwide, and “Hello” became a massive success, showcasing her talent and emotional depth.

5. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars – This funk-infused song was a huge hit, dominating the charts with its catchy hooks and infectious energy.

6. “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen – Released in 1975, this epic rock anthem has stood the test of time and continues to be a beloved and highly popular song.

7. “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson – With its iconic bassline and Michael Jackson’s electrifying performance, “Billie Jean” became a global sensation and solidified Jackson’s status as the King of Pop.

8. “Hotel California” by Eagles – This classic rock song has become an enduring favorite, known for its haunting guitar melodies and introspective lyrics.

9. “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele – Another powerhouse ballad by Adele, this song showcases her emotional depth and vocal prowess, resonating with listeners around the world.

10. “Someone Like You” by Adele – This heartfelt ballad touched the hearts of many with its raw emotion and vulnerability, becoming one of Adele’s most beloved songs.

It’s important to note that the popularity of songs can vary depending on the time period, cultural context, and individual preferences. The above list represents a selection of songs that have achieved significant popularity and cultural impact.

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