SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali is a landmark film not just for the Telugu but entire Indian Film Industry. Be it the unique storyline or the way of executing it without too many flaws, SSR has shown the Indian directors a way to win all over India. The film paved way for other Telugu films to do well and in fact, the name of the Telugu Film Industry resounded in India and around the world. All the other woods of India are desperately trying to emulate the success of Baahubali by making huge magnum opus movies. This in turn is putting pressure on them and making them fail. Now, Kollywood’s Pan-Indian film Ponnian Selvan is getting ready for the pressure of comparisons with BB. Bollywood has already tried in a few movies like Samrat Prithviraj and failed. Now they are coming again with Brahmastra.
The Malayalam film industry tried the same with Marakkar: The Lion of Arabian Sea and failed. Kollywood too is desperate to prove a point that they got it to make Baahubali kind of movies. Director Sundar C started a project called Sanghamitra which was said to be a budget of Rs 150 Crores. Unfortunately for him, it’s yet to take off. Taking this challenge, the Legendary Tamil director Manirathnam made Ponnian Selvan(PS-1). With a huge star cast and an established story based on Kalki’s Ponnian Selvan novel, Kollywood fans are hoping that the film will create a sensation similar to or greater than that of Baahubali. The recently released teaser is being lauded by Tamil fans. But overall, the teaser got mixed reviews with many netizens commenting that the computer graphics and making do not look up to the mark.
SS Rajamouli is a master at bringing out emotions and goosebumps. He also knows how to use computer graphics closer to reality as much as possible. But, Maniratnam, is an expert in love stories. Could his handling this mega project would prove to be costly for Kollywood? Cinephiles from all over India are wishing this movie would reach the hype and enhance Indian Cinema further. Kalki’s Ponnian Selvan novel is considered to be the best novel work in Tamil. It revolves around a fictional Chola empire in which the power game is played by different individuals in a bid to take over the throne. Jayam Ravi is playing the lead role of Ponnian Selvan aka Raja Raja Chola.