Akshay Kumar has pinned many hopes on his latest historical flick Prithviraj. Based on the real story of warrior Prithvi Raj’s war with Muhammed Ghori, the audiences are expecting a lot from the movie. The trailer received negative responses as many comments were about miscasting Akki as Prithvi Raj. Akshay might be a seasoned actor, but portraying the war hero, Prithvi, would be too much for the actor, say netizens. The Youtube comment section under the trailer is about how unconvincing Akshay Kumar looks in the titular role. Anyway, one has to watch the full movie to conclude how the Khiladi performed in a heavy role. Irrespective of the response, Akshay is leaving no stone unturned to promote his movie. Recent news is that he invited the central home minister Amit Shah to a special film screening in Delhi on June 1st. i.e., two days before the slated release of the film.
The director of the film Chandra Prakash Dwivedi revealed the news. “It is our honor that the Honourable Home Minister of our country, Shri Amit Shah ji, will witness the epic saga of the glorious life of one of Bharatmata’s bravest sons, Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan, who sacrificed his life for the country,” said the filmmaker. Bankrolled by the Yashraj Films, Prithvi Raj stars Sanjay Dutt and Sonu Sood in key roles. Miss world of 2017, Manushi Chillar would be seen as the female lead, Samyogitha. The film is globally released in Telugu, Hindi, and Tamil languages.