Mental Health issues associated with the frauds taking place due to Deepfake

Individual rights are essential to safeguard a person’s mental, emotional and physical well-being, as the agony one faces if forbidden by these rights is inevitable.

The DeepFake AI is an application that focuses on changing appearances by making an individual look like a celebrity or editing videos and images by changing the facial features of an individual to look like another, in simple and in most cases, DeepFake only added to the negative impact in the last few days since it’s discovery making editing a crime as the edits released are no less that morphing.

From identified celebrities to ordinary people, every individual finds it unsafe due to the best output in misleading people into believing false information. DeepFake edits have made the masses feel uneasy and have added to several mental health issues. Editing must be fun for the perpetrator, but it is unbearable for the victim, which leads them to feel anxious, guilty, frustrated, hard on themselves and feeling unsafe in their personal and professional life, and depressed adverse changes in their sleeping routine and appetite.

The Internet is to connect across the world; it is made for people; though cybersecurity hasn’t been reported on anything specific for the last few years, various scams like mobile phishing, DeepFake AI and banking scams have led to cyber-un-security

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