Classify yourself as a walking green flag

In the Green Flag and Red Flag era, have you ever wondered which category you represent? Read more to know.

A walking green flag is the flag barrier of kindness, compassion and embracing vulnerable feelings. Here are a few traits that make one’s personality stand out amongst others:

  1. Assertive and encourages straightforwardness: People with an approachable vibe need not be people pleasers; they hold their views and respect others’ beliefs at the same time; they don’t beat around the bush and express their opinions politely, sometimes they might seem rude, but they don’t like their liked ones in the dark or themselves in a regretful situation.
  2. Empathy differs from sympathy: These individuals are naturally empathetic and attempt to understand others’ reactions over sympathizing or pitying another individual. They are not quick to judge as they find the need to give a second chance as long as the other individual has made a mistake. 
  3. Good Listener: A person with green flag energy is often open to conversations and listening to others voice their feelings; rather than coming to a judgement by just hearing out a statement, they prefer listening to the entire version before giving advice or approaching another individual.
  4. Positive Soul: They prefer peace over drama; they might have pessimistic thoughts like everyone else but choose to live with a positive mindset rather than blaming others and themselves for the outcomes. They desire a rather practical approach to make the world a kind place for themselves first, eventually becoming one for the ones around them.
  5. Prioritize Mental Health: They don’t fear expressing themselves as themselves, being vulnerable or joyful they embrace all the emotions; they don’t term others who express their feelings negatively; they understand how important it is to express and articulate their and others’ feelings.

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