10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Siddarth Malhotra

Siddarth Malhotra, the charming Bollywood actor known for his good looks and acting skills, has captured the hearts of many with his on-screen presence. While fans adore him for his talent, there are some peculiarities about him that may surprise you. From quirky habits to unexpected talents, here are 10 weird things about Siddarth Malhotra that you probably didn’t know:

Phobia of Elevators: Despite his fearless demeanor on-screen, Siddarth has a peculiar fear of elevators. He often opts for stairs whenever possible, even if it means climbing multiple flights of stairs to reach his destination. This fear stems from a childhood incident and has stuck with him throughout his life.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Secret Chef: While Siddarth may dazzle audiences with his performances, behind the scenes, he is a secret chef in the making. He enjoys experimenting with different cuisines and often surprises his friends and family with his culinary creations. From gourmet dishes to simple comfort food, Siddarth loves to whip up delicious meals in his spare time.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Obsession with Sudoku: When he’s not busy filming, Siddarth can often be found solving Sudoku puzzles. He has a knack for numbers and finds solving these puzzles to be both relaxing and challenging. It’s his go-to activity to unwind after a long day on set.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Collector of Funko Pops: Despite his sophisticated image, Siddarth has a quirky hobby of collecting Funko Pop figures. His collection boasts a wide range of characters from movies, TV shows, and comic books. From superheroes to iconic movie characters, Siddarth takes pride in curating his collection and often shares glimpses of it on social media.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Sleepwalker: Siddarth has a bizarre habit of sleepwalking, much to the amusement of his friends and family. He has been known to wander around his house in a daze during the night, often waking up in strange places with no recollection of how he got there. While it may seem alarming, Siddarth assures everyone that it’s just a harmless quirk.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Inexplicable Fear of Clowns: Despite his tough exterior, Siddarth has a deep-seated fear of clowns. The sight of a clown, whether in person or on screen, sends shivers down his spine. It’s a fear that he can’t quite explain but one that he’s learned to live with over the years.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Avid Birdwatcher: When he’s not busy with his acting career, Siddarth enjoys spending time outdoors, particularly birdwatching. He finds solace in nature and loves to observe the intricate behaviors of various bird species. It’s a hobby that allows him to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Expert Whistler: Siddarth possesses a hidden talent that few are aware of – he’s an expert whistler. Whether it’s mimicking bird calls or belting out tunes, Siddarth’s whistling skills never fail to impress. He often incorporates whistling into his daily routine, much to the delight of those around him.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Fear of Butterflies: In addition to his fear of clowns, Siddarth also has an inexplicable fear of butterflies. He finds their erratic flight patterns and delicate wings unsettling and prefers to keep his distance whenever possible. It’s a fear that he’s had since childhood and one that he’s never been able to shake off.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

Superstitious Beliefs: Like many actors, Siddarth has his fair share of superstitious beliefs. From wearing lucky charms on set to following specific rituals before filming, he believes in harnessing positive energy to enhance his performances. While some may find his superstitions odd, Siddarth swears by them and credits them with bringing him luck throughout his career.

10 Weird Things About Siddarth Malhotra

In conclusion, Siddarth Malhotra may be a Bollywood heartthrob, but beneath the surface lies a host of quirks and eccentricities that make him all the more endearing. From his phobia of elevators to his love of Funko Pops, Siddarth is full of surprises both on and off-screen. While some may find his quirks strange, they only add to his charm and make him all the more relatable to his fans.


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