Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi: Navigating Social Media in the Age of Over-Sharing

Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi: Navigating Social Media in the Age of Over-Sharing. In an exclusive Interview, actors Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi opened up about the challenges of maintaining privacy in an era dominated by social media. As they gear up for the release of their upcoming movie Do Aur Do Pyaar, the duo shed light on the pitfalls of oversharing and the blurred boundaries between public and private life.

The Over-Sharing Epidemic

Vidya Balan, known for her powerful performances, emphasized the need for maintaining boundaries. She stated, “No one knows how perfect someone else’s relationship is. I don’t claim to be in a perfect marriage, but I fiercely guard my private life. Nowadays, everyone shares so much openly—from mood updates to breakup revelations. There’s no end to how much they expose publicly.”

The Role of Social Media

Pratik Gandhi echoed Vidya’s sentiments, emphasizing that social media has turned into a virtual therapist for many. The constant need for validation and the pressure to conform to societal norms have led people to seek solace in online platforms. As a result, relationships are often dissected, analyzed, and judged by a global audience.

The Quest for Validation

Social media platforms thrive on likes, comments, and shares. People crave validation, and their self-worth becomes intricately tied to the number of followers or the engagement their posts receive. In this pursuit of validation, personal boundaries are often forgotten. What was once considered private—emotional struggles, relationship woes, and heartbreaks—is now laid bare for all to see.

The Impact on Relationships

Vidya and Pratik both acknowledged that relationships have become more complex due to social media. The pressure to present a picture-perfect life can strain even the strongest bonds. Couples find themselves comparing their relationships to curated online narratives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

Drawing Healthy Boundaries

So, how can we navigate this digital landscape without compromising our personal lives? Vidya Balan suggests drawing clear lines between public, private, and professional life. She advises, “Maintain healthy boundaries. Some things are sacred and not meant for third-party ears. Share with discretion.” Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi: Navigating Social Media in the Age of Over-Sharing.

The Release of Do Aur Do Pyaar

Directed by Shirsha Guha Thakurta, Do Aur Do Pyaar stars Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D’Cruz, and Sendhil Ramamurthy. The film delves into the complexities of relationships, love, and heartbreaks. The movie is in the theaters today, audiences can expect a thought-provoking exploration of modern-day romance.


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