Mrunal talks about her relationship status and girl crushes

Mrunal Thakur, the talented Bollywood actress, has always been candid in her interviews. Recently, she opened up about her relationship status and revealed her biggest girl crushes. Let’s delve into the details of her revelations!

Mrunal talks about her relationship:

Earlier, Mrunal Thakur confirmed that she is single. Despite family pressure to find a suitable partner, she is not actively searching for one. Her focus remains on her career and personal growth. Mrunal’s independence and contentment shine through as she navigates life as a successful actress.

In a recent conversation, Mrunal was asked about her relationship status. She paused and blushed over the topic. She said, I wouldn’t know that; I’m still figuring it out. This made sense as she is considering someone to date, but she is still determining.

When asked about her ideal man, Mrunal Thakur didn’t hesitate. She expressed her admiration for none other than Keanu Reeves. “I would love to find him,” she exclaimed. The enigmatic actor, known for his humility and versatility, has captured Mrunal’s heart. Perhaps fate will bring them together someday.

Girl Crushes

Mrunal also shared her girl crushes, celebrating the beauty and talent of fellow celebrities. Here are the women who have left a lasting impression on her. She also revealed that normalising having girl crush is something that should be a thing.

  1. Deepika Padukone: Mrunal admires Deepika’s grace, both on and off the screen. The way Deepika carries herself inspires Mrunal to embrace elegance and confidence.
  2. Priyanka Chopra: Priyanka’s global success and trailblazing career resonate with Mrunal. She considers Priyanka a role model for breaking barriers and achieving greatness.
  3. Alia Bhatt: Alia’s versatility and dedication to her craft have impressed Mrunal. Whether in intense dramas or light-hearted comedies, Alia’s performances leave a lasting impact.

Mrunal Thakur’s candid confessions reveal a woman comfortable in her own skin. Her single status reflects her independence, while her admiration for Keanu Reeves adds a touch of romance to her journey. As for her girl crushes, Mrunal celebrates the achievements of fellow actresses who inspire her. In a world of glitz and glamour, Mrunal stays true to herself, and that authenticity is what makes her truly remarkable.


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