Kunal Kemmu’s Intent for “Madgaon Express 2”: A Sequel in the Making?

Kunal Kemmu’s Intent for “Madgaon Express 2”: A Sequel in the Making? Kunal Kemmu, the talented actor who made his directorial debut with the hit comedy film Madgaon Express, has been in the spotlight lately due to growing anticipation for a sequel. Released in select theatres and now available on Prime Video, Madgaon Express delighted audiences with its quirky characters, chaotic Goa trip, and classic comedy.

The Audience’s Expectations

When Madgaon Express first hit the screens, viewers had no expectations. They walked into the theaters with an open mind, ready to enjoy a fresh and entertaining story. Fans now eagerly await news of a sequel, hoping for more laughter and memorable moments.

Kunal Kemmu’s Responsibility

In an exclusive interview, Kunal Kemmu shared his thoughts on the sequel. He emphasized his responsibility to meet audience expectations. As the director and writer of the original film, Kunal knows that the bar has been raised. He said, “Of course, I have some ideas and thoughts for the sequel, but I will only pitch it when I feel like this is it.” His commitment lies in ensuring that the sequel lives up to the first part, if not surpasses it.

Kunal Kemmu’s Intent for “Madgaon Express 2”: A Sequel in the Making?

Making a Film, Not Just a Project

Kunal Kemmu is clear about his approach. He wants to create a film, not merely a formula-based project. He stated, “The attempt and intent are to do that, but I will not make a project; I will make a film.” His focus is on storytelling, characters, and quality. Kunal’s ultimate goal is to earn more opportunities through his work.

The Sequel’s Timeline

As for the timeline, Kunal assured fans that the plans are in motion. However, he won’t rush into it. He wants to find the right script—one that matches or exceeds the original. So, while the sequel is on his radar, it might take some time. But rest assured, Kunal Kemmu is committed to delivering another delightful cinematic experience.


Kunal Kemmu’s Intent for “Madgaon Express 2”: Kunal Kemmu is all set to embark on the journey of creating Madgaon Express 2? As fans eagerly await more chaos, laughter, and quirky characters, Kunal’s dedication to making a memorable film shines through. Let’s hope that the sequel lives up to the high expectations set by its predecessor!


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