Legendary director SS Rajamouli teamed up with Jr.NTR and Ram Charan and we have seen what they did to Indian Box-office. RRR joined the elite 1000Cr club and still running in theatres might end up at 1100Cr before KFG-2, Acharya and SVP hit the screens.
Despite being a 3hr long visual extravaganza, RRR hit the right chords of RC and Jr NTR fans. It came to the limelight that makers trimmed the extra 30min scenes from the movie before releasing it to the theatres.
Rajamouli did not want to let go of these scenes, but then, it will add extra 30 mins to the run time and end up as a long movie. Ahreen Anjum who played mother to Malli unveiled this on her Twitter.
However, fans on social media are suggesting that if the length of the movie was beyond 2 hr 30mins, Rajamouli should have made two parts just like he did for Bahubali. Is it Rajamouli’s mistake?
Well, we don’t know that! If Rajamouli did something, he might have thought about it in all the directions and in all prospectives.