Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family. Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu and his wife Namrata Shirodkar are beaming with pride as their son, Gautam Ghattamaneni, graduates from high school. The graduation ceremony, held at the International School of Hyderabad (ISH) near Patancheru, Hyderabad, was a joyous occasion for the family.

A Father’s Joy

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family

Mahesh Babu’s Instagram post captures the essence of a proud father’s emotions: “My heart bursts with pride! Congratulations on your graduation, son! This next chapter is yours to write, and I know you’ll shine brighter than ever. Keep chasing your dreams, and remember, you’re always loved! I am a proud father today.” His words resonate with parents everywhere who witness their children’s growth and accomplishments.

A Mother’s Love

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family

Namrata Shirodkar, Gautam’s mother, also attended the ceremony. She shared a heartfelt message for her son on Instagram: “My dear GG, as you stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your life, I want you to know how proud I am of you. Remember to stay true to yourself, follow your passions, and never lose sight of your dreams. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you, and know that no matter where life takes you, you will always have my love and support. Congratulations on your big day. The world is yours here on. I love you so much.” Namrata’s words reflect the depth of a mother’s love and encouragement.

Sibling Bond

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family

Sitara Ghattamaneni, Gautam’s younger sister, also joined the celebration. She shared glimpses from the occasion on her Instagram account, playfully captioning it, “Mewing boss graduated.” The sibling bond shines through as Sitara cheers for her elder brother’s achievement.

A New Look

As fans caught glimpses of the graduation ceremony, they also noticed Mahesh Babu sporting a new look with a heavy beard. Speculation abounds about whether this style will be seen in his upcoming film, tentatively titled “SSMB29.” While details about the project remain under wraps, fans eagerly await Mahesh Babu’s next cinematic venture.

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: A Proud Moment for the Babu Family

The Future Awaits

Celebrating Gautam Ghattamaneni’s Graduation: Gautam’s graduation marks the beginning of an exciting journey for him, and the Ghattamaneni family stands united in celebrating this significant achievement. As Gautam steps into the world beyond high school, he carries with him the love, pride, and support of his parents and sister. The future awaits, and Gautam is poised to make his mark, guided by the wisdom and encouragement of his family.


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