Suhana Khan has a sweet birthday wish for brother Abram Khan

Suhana Khan has a sweet birthday wish for brother Abram Khan

Suhana Khan extends a heartfelt birthday greeting to her brother Abram Khan, capturing a moment where AbRam, resembling his father Shah Rukh Khan, gazes away from the camera. The image, posted immediately after KKR’s victorious match, portrays AbRam donning KKR’s signature purple jersey adorned with the word “Champions.”

Accompanying the photo, Suhana captions, “A wonderful day to celebrate the birthday boy,” expressing her sentiment with a trophy and purple heart emoji, which resonates with fans. The striking resemblance between AbRam and his father Shah Rukh Khan adds an endearing touch to the post, evoking admiration from followers who cannot help but marvel at the family resemblance.

Suhana’s choice to share this particular moment underscores the joyous occasion of AbRam’s birthday and celebrates KKR’s triumph simultaneously. The purple hue of the jersey not only signifies the team’s colors but also aligns with the festive atmosphere of the birthday celebration.

Suhana not only commemorates her brother’s special day but also highlights the familial bond shared between AbRam and his father, eliciting a warm response from fans who appreciate the glimpse into their lives. This candid photo captures the essence of happiness and togetherness, encapsulating both the excitement of KKR’s victory and the joy of AbRam’s birthday, making it a cherished moment for the Khan family and their supporters alike.


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