Caught in the Act: Janhvi Kapoor Recalls A Teenage Adventure Gone Awry and Her Dad’s Reaction

Caught in the Act: Janhvi Kapoor Recalls A Teenage Adventure Gone Awry and Her Dad’s Reaction. Janhvi Kapoor, one of Bollywood’s brightest young stars, has always been refreshingly open about her life. In a recent interview, she shared a humorous and somewhat embarrassing story from her teenage years that many can relate to. The incident involved her father, the esteemed film producer Boney Kapoor, and a secretive attempt to sneak a boy out of her house.

The Plan That Seemed Foolproof

Janhvi reminisced about an evening from her youth when she had invited a boy over to her home. As the night wore on, she realized that getting him out unnoticed would be a challenge. Given her father’s protective nature, she decided that sneaking him out through her window was the safest option.

Busted by Dad

However, just as the boy was making his escape, Boney Kapoor saw them in cc camera. What could have turned into a dramatic confrontation instead unfolded like a scene from a comedy movie? Boney, catching them in the act, was a mix of surprise and amusement. Instead of reacting with immediate anger, he simply asked, “What’s going on here?”

Caught in the Act: Janhvi Kapoor Recalls A Teenage Adventure Gone Awry and Her Dad's Reaction

A Surprising Reaction

Janhvi revealed that she had once snuck someone into the house and, not wanting them to leave through the front door, asked them to jump out. She had her car, a tall Lexus, parked nearby and suggested they jump onto it and roll off. The person did as she asked, but her father saw the entire episode on the CCTV camera and confronted her, asking what she was doing. To prevent any more such incidents, he installed a grill outside her room window.


Caught in the Act: Janhvi Kapoor’s recollection of being caught sneaking a boy out of her window by her father Boney Kapoor is a delightful and relatable tale. Boney Kapoor’s measured and humorous response highlights the everyday challenges of parenting and growing up, even in the world of Bollywood. This story not only endears Janhvi to her fans but also humanizes the often-glamorous image of Bollywood families.


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