Turbo REVIEW: Is Mammootty’s Action-Comedy Movie Worth the Hype?

Turbo REVIEW: Is Mammootty’s Action-Comedy Movie Worth the Hype? Mammootty, one of the most iconic names in the Indian film industry, has once again graced the silver screen with his latest offering, “Turbo.” An action-comedy, “Turbo” has generated considerable buzz since its announcement. But does it live up to the hype? Let’s dive in and find out.

Plot Overview

“Turbo” follows the story of Raghavan, a retired police officer with a penchant for fast cars and justice. When a criminal mastermind resurfaces, threatening the peace of his city, Raghavan is pulled back into action. The film weaves through a series of adrenaline-pumping car chases, explosive stunts, and comedic escapades as Raghavan, alongside a motley crew of allies, takes on the villainous forces.

Performance and Direction

Mammootty’s portrayal of Raghavan is nothing short of stellar. At 72, he proves that age is just a number, delivering action sequences with the agility and charisma of a much younger actor. Director Anwar Rasheed, known for his flair for blending genres, has crafted “Turbo” with a keen eye for pacing and visual style. The film’s direction is crisp, with each scene meticulously constructed to maintain engagement.

Action Sequences

The action in “Turbo” is a visual feast. From high-speed car chases that make your heart race to hand-to-hand combat scenes that showcase Mammootty’s impressive physicality, the film delivers on its promise of adrenaline. The choreography of the action sequences is top-notch, avoiding the pitfall of becoming repetitive or overly chaotic.

Comedy Elements

While action is at the forefront, “Turbo” doesn’t shy away from its comedic elements. The humor is well-integrated, providing relief without feeling forced. Supporting characters, particularly those played by actors like Vinayakan and Soubin Shahir, bring their own comedic flair, contributing to the film’s overall charm.


Despite its many strengths, “Turbo” is not without its flaws. The film occasionally leans too heavily on clichés, and some plot twists can be seen from a mile away. Additionally, while the balance of action and comedy is generally well-maintained, there are moments where the film’s pacing dips, causing a slight lull in an otherwise engaging narrative.


Turbo REVIEW: Is Mammootty’s So, is “Turbo” worth the hype? For fans of Mammootty and action-comedy enthusiasts, the answer is a resounding yes. The film delivers a fun, action-packed ride with a healthy dose of humor. Mammootty’s performance alone is worth the ticket price, and when combined with the film’s stylish direction, engaging action sequences, and witty humor, “Turbo” emerges as a highly entertaining addition to the genre.

Rating: 2.5/5


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