The Last Rifleman OTT Release Date in India: Here’s When and Where You Can Watch

The Last Rifleman OTT Release Date in India: Here’s When and Where You Can Watch. “The Last Rifleman,” a 2023 drama film, is all set to have an OTT release date in India. Starring Pierce Brosnan in the leading role, this heartfelt World War II (WWII) drama promises an emotional and inspiring journey.

Film Overview:

Directed by Kevin Fitzpatrick, “The Last Rifleman” is largely based on historical events. The film follows the story of Artie Crawford, a WWII veteran from Northern Ireland. On the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings, Artie decides to sneak out of his care home. His mission? To honour his best friend’s memory and confront the demons from his past. What unfolds is a perilous yet ultimately uplifting journey from Northern Ireland to France.

The Plot:

Artie Crawford embarks on this arduous journey, finding the courage to face the ghosts of his past. Along the way, he encounters challenges, memories, and moments of reflection. The film beautifully captures the personal toll that war takes on individuals, emphasizing the resilience and determination of this generation.

Release Date:

“The Last Rifleman” will start streaming on JioCinema beginning May 31, 2024. Indian audiences can look forward to experiencing Pierce Brosnan’s powerful performance as Artie Crawford in this moving drama.


The film draws inspiration from the real-life story of Bernard Jordan, a British D-Day soldier. Jordan, like Artie, departed from his English care facility and traveled to France. His courageous journey serves as a universal theme—one that resonates with audiences worldwide.

Production Enthusiasm:

Before the release, the production team expressed their utmost enthusiasm. Terry Loane, originally slated to direct the film, praised Kevin Fitzpatrick’s superb script and the brilliant storyline. The emotional depth and authenticity of the screenplay resonated with everyone involved.


“The Last Rifleman” promises to be a poignant and unforgettable cinematic experience. As viewers, we’ll witness Artie Crawford’s fearless determination and the emotional impact of war. Mark your calendars for May 31, 2024, and prepare to be moved by this heartfelt WWII drama.


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