Based on a story by Sujan Dasgupta, the Eken story begins with the murder of a professor in Bankura. Joydeep Mukherjee directs the Eken.
With more crimes unfolding and shady activities taking place, Eken attempts to join deceptively carefree manner. Multiple twists hold the viewers’ attention, despite the slow pace of the film. Also, more than suspense, Chakrabarti has the audience anticipating the climax. He owns not only the character but also the entire film.
Eken is a Bengali web series that stars Anirban Chakraborty, Shoumo Banerjee, Debapriyo Bagchi, and Shreya Sinha in the leading roles. The production company, Shree Venkatesh Films, announced in 2021 that a film titled ‘The Eken’ would be made for a theatrical release in 2022.
Release date::
The Eken is going to stream on Hoichoi from June 3.