Disney+Hotstar’s upcoming Hotstar Specials Aashiqana, a thriller-romance, explores this by bringing a refreshing-new show to viewers. Based in Mumbai, the show revolves around two lives that cross paths under the shadow of a murderer. Series director and produced by Gul Khan, the show is set to reveal love in its most proper form when faced with life-threatening adversaries, produced under the banner of Gen K Studios.
The show introduces the viewers to two families – Chauhans and Sharmas, both of whom have been inflicted by the untimely death of a beloved member. The mystery surrounding their deaths affects life in the present and continues to haunt the lives of protagonists Yash and Chikki.
Director and producer Gul Khan talks about her upcoming show ‘Aashiqana,’ a romantic thriller starring Zayn Ibad Khan and Khushi Dubey in lead roles. Talking about the show, Gul says: “I am excited to associate with Disney+ Hotstar for my first digital series, ‘Aashiqana,’ and I am back as the series director in the show.”
The story revolves around the life of a girl, a police officer, and a wanted serial killer.
It will be streaming on Disney+hotstar from June 6.