Power star Pawan Kalyan and Superstar Mahesh Babu are two top heroes in Tollywood. They both enjoy a tremendous craze, and it’s a festival whenever their film is released. The fans of these stars lock horns whenever there is a release of one of them. The collections and records all come into discussion among fans. They even trend negatively about other stars to elevate their own demigod. Some fans go to the extent of criticizing each other, especially on Twitter. On the other hand, Pawan and Mahesh have a lot of respect. Mahesh Babu also lent his voice for the movie Jalsa starring Pawan Kalyan. In today’s release Sarkaru Vari Pata, the Bheemla Nayak ringtone is used to woo the power fans. It’s the ringtone of Subbaraju in then the movie. It’s noteworthy that the music director of Bheemla and SVP is SS Thaman.
Whenever Subbaraju gets a call in the movie, the PSPK fans in theatres go nuts. They are excited about the presence of Pawan reference in Mahesh’s film. Even many memes related to this topic are trending on social media. If this is just about a ringtone, how will it be if both the stars act in a movie together? It’s a mouth-watering prospect though it’s doubtful. Isn’t it?