Malikappuram Makers Announce Their Next Film

The creative team behind the successful Malayalam movie “Malikappuram” has announced their latest cinematic venture, “Sumathi Valavu.” The announcement was made at a special event in Kochi, sparking anticipation among fans and industry insiders. The film is slated for release by the end of this year, and while details remain sparse, the excitement is palpable as the public eagerly awaits further information.

Malikappuram Makers New Film Title

“Sumathi Valavu” boasts a talented cast with Saiju Kurup and Arjun Ashokan in leading roles, promising to deliver a thrilling horror experience. The film draws inspiration from the eerie lore surrounding the real-life location of Sumathi Valavu in Trivandrum.

The supporting cast features notable names from “Malikappuram,” including Devanandha, Sreepathyan, Malavika Manoj, Shyam Mohan, Niranj Maniyanpillai, Jean Lal, and Gopika Anil, ensuring a rich and dynamic portrayal of characters.

The Visionaries of Sumathi Valavu

The direction of “Sumathi Valavu” is in the capable hands of Vishnu Sasi Shankar, with Murali Kunnumpurath financing the project under the esteemed banner of Waterman Films LLP.

The screenplay, crafted by Abhilash Pillai, is expected to weave a compelling narrative, while Dineshkumar Purushothaman’s cinematography will capture the film’s haunting essence. Ranjin Raj’s musical compositions are set to enhance the film’s atmospheric tension, contributing to an immersive viewing experience.

The Legend of Sumathi Valavu

The film “Sumathi Valavu” is rooted in a chilling local legend from Trivandrum. The story dates back to 1953, when a pregnant woman named Sumathi was tragically murdered by her lover. It is said that her spirit lingers on the path where she met her untimely demise, known as Sumathi Valavu. The tale has instilled fear in the hearts of the locals. With rumors of a spectral female figure haunting the area and unsettling travelers.

Sumathi Valavu Story

For decades, the ghostly legend of Sumathi Valavu Road has served as a cautionary tale. Deterring people from venturing there after dark. Reports of sightings of a ghostly, pale figure emerging from the shadows have been a source of terror.

The road has become synonymous with eerie sounds and unexplained phenomena, leading many to avoid it at night. However, some speculate that these stories may be a ruse by criminals. To carry out their nefarious deeds under the cover of superstition.


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