Disha Patani and Tiger Shroff are one of the most happening couples in Bollywood. As it is known, every couple’s move is always under the media’s scanner. This scanner’s latest update about their relationship is not good news for the star couple’s combined fans. It’s rumored that something isn’t going well in their relationship. The recent birthday bash of Karan Johar was the source of these rumors. As Karan entered the 50’s age club, he threw a grand party for the dears of Bollywood. Married couples like Abhishek-Aishwarya, Katrina-Vicky, and Saif-Kareena have all attended the party. Add the sizzling beauties like Sara Ali Khan and Jhanvi Kapoor to the party, and it was a star-studded one. Now comes the real twist. Both Disha Patani and Tiger Shroff attended the party but separately.
Whenever these two have come out, they are together. Be it riding in the cars or celebrating each other birthdays, or leaving for distant holiday beaches, and they were always together. This could be the first time after their relationship started that the couple attended separately to a party. What’s more intriguing is that they were not seen together at the party. They even wished Karan individually. This made the day for gossips to make rounds all over the B town. Are they taking a break in the relationship, or are they completely done with one another? Well, we have to wait and see what’s brewing.