Sarkaru Vari Pata is ready to rock in theatres in one more day. The film has a positive buzz all around and the Telugu governments too were generous with the movie to increase the ticket prices. The total collection of advance booking sales has reached a very good 7.5 crore rupees for now. As of now, a few more hours are left and this can reach Rs 8 crores at most. But the SS Rajamouli’s celluloid RRR has mammoth advance bookings of Rs 10 crores in Hyderabad. It was earlier thought that Mahesh’s SVP will break them easily as fans are eager to watch Mahesh after two long years on screen. But it’s not the case. Even though Mahesh’s film has the buzz, it was unable to breach the Rs 10.6 crore record set by the RRR. Neither Radhe Shyam nor Acharya was even close to the record.
According to trade pundits, this record can only be broken again by none other than the SSR himself. No other filmmaker can come closer to the record without creating the expectations and hype as Rajamouli does. Though regional movies may not break the record, there is every possibility for any Hollywood or some larger-than-life movie to shatter the benchmark. Avatar: The Way of Water might be the movie to do it as it is releasing this December. The sequel of the world’s highest-grossing movie can very well set new benchmarks in terms of collections. After all, records are meant to be broken.