Avika Gor: A Year of Unpredictable Opportunities

Avika Gor is experiencing a whirlwind year, filled with constant shooting, dubbing for her next film, and an unexpected collaboration with Jamaican cricketer Andre Russell in the song “Ladki Tu Kamaal Ki.” “Life has been fun lately and it’s been blessing me with unpredictable things this year,” Avika shared in an interview with Hindustan Times. She opens up about her upcoming projects, her journey as a producer, and her unique career path.

Dancing with Andre Russell in “Ladki Tu Kamaal Ki”

Avika, known for her serious roles, is thrilled to explore a different side of herself in “Ladki Tu Kamaal Ki.” She expressed her excitement, saying, “Most of the characters I’ve played have been serious, so it was fun to switch things up. I got the chance to wear sexy sarees and explore a different side to me. I realised, I was so happy doing that because I’ve always loved to dance.”

A Dream Collaboration with Palaash Muchhal

The song’s director, Palaash Muchhal, is a close friend of Avika. She eagerly requested to be part of the project when she learned Andre Russell would be singing in Hindi. “It was unbelievable to me that Andre was singing in Hindi. And when I heard the song, I just knew I wanted to be a part of it somehow,” she said. Fortunately, the dates aligned, allowing her to enjoy dancing alongside Andre.

Upcoming Film: Bloody Ishq with Vikram Bhatt

Following her energetic performance in the song, Avika is gearing up for her next film, “Bloody Ishq,” directed by Vikram Bhatt and starring Vardhan Puri. Although she won’t be dancing in this film, she is excited to work with the Bhatts again. “Good horror and thriller films mixed with romance are just what the Bhatts are known for. My next film also falls in the same genre,” Avika mentioned, emphasizing her admiration for the Bhatts’ signature style.

Embracing Complex Roles and Personal Growth

Avika takes pride in being chosen for challenging roles by the Bhatts, following her performance in the 2023 film “1920: Horrors of the Heart.” She appreciates the trust they place in her abilities. “1920 wasn’t an easy film for me to pull off and I took up the next challenge they threw my way with Bloody Ishq too,” she explained, highlighting her commitment to tackling complex characters.

A Childhood Without Regrets

Reflecting on her early fame as the child bride Anandi in “Balika Vadhu,” Avika firmly believes she did not miss out on her childhood. “I have always been grateful to take my family from a certain situation to where we are now, which is financially secure,” she stated. The love and support from her fans have reinforced her faith in her career choice.

Producing Films and Future Aspirations

Despite her many years in the industry, Avika feels like her journey is just beginning. She is passionate about producing films and has already made two Telugu films, with a third in post-production. “There’s so much more I want to do. I also love producing films, I’ve already made two Telugu films. A third one is in post-production,” she shared. Avika remains open to participating in TV shows, appreciating the medium that brought her widespread recognition.

Avika Gor’s dedication to her craft and her willingness to explore new avenues in filmmaking make her a versatile and dynamic presence in the industry.


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