Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Acharya failed so miserably at the box office that a lot of unwanted records are piling up on the movie’s name. Directed by Koratala Siva, and starring the two biggest stars of Tollywood, the film was released amidst huge expectations. Film’s result was evident in the benefit shows itself. Even megafans were unable to revive the movie and it bombed at the box office. Now, the unwanted record of overseas too, has acharya in its list. In the last five years, only four films with Telugu stars failed to reach 1 million dollars at the USA box office. Along with Acharya, the other three movies are Sarrainodu, Vakeel Saab, and Vinaya Vidheya Rama. While Acharya came close and registered 985k dollars, the remaining three collected 880K, 750K, and 260K respectively.
According to mega camp, the debacle of Acharya was showing a heavy effect on Chiru. It’s said he was getting easily frustrated of late and even lost his temper on director Bobby on the sets of Walteru Veeraiah. Chiranjeevi built his career with utter dedication and sheer hard work. To see that all fanfare he got slowly fading away is showing its impact on Megastar and he was very determined to have a solid hit at any cost, says the mega camp. Of his next 3 movies, two are remakes made by Meher Ramesh and Mohan Raja which are already seen by a majority of Telugu people. Only Walteru veeraiah is the original script and it too isn’t going well at the moment. Anyhow, let’s hope the vintage megastar will be back with a bang at the box office.