Of late, there has been an air few early OTT releases in Telugu cinema. Acharya, Radhe Shyam, and Sarkaru Vaari Paata arrived on OTT in just three weeks from the theatrical release. This has led to a heated debate on social media as people comment the early OTT trend will keep the audience away from theatres.
Speaking about the same, mega-producer Allu Aravind came up with an on-point analysis.
“It is true that the footfalls at cinema halls have dropped substantially. It is high time that producers call it quits for early OTT releases. This could be a bid to pull the audience to the theatres by making it clear that their films will not arrive on OTT anytime soon.” Allu Aravind said.
Adding further, the veteran producer said it is upon star heroes to catapult the promotional campaigns of their films in order to bring the audience to the theatres.
“Recently, a big hero (hinting at Mahesh Babu as SVP Kurnool event) danced on stage. This is the kind of impetus our films need now. Heroes should make it a point to do their level best to draw the audience’s attention,” the producer stated.