With each passing day, Salman Khan’s ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ cast is getting better and bigger. With Pooja Hegde and Victory Venkatesh playing crucial roles in the film, it already caught the Tollywood audience’s attention as well.
Now, extending the Tollywood’s familiar faces,
reports suggest that makers have signed Jagapathi Babu for a prominent role in this action-comedy.
Sharing about this, a renowned Hindi source wrote ” Salman Khan is making a pan-India film and is leaving no stone unturned on the casting front. He sat down with his team and hand-picked the actors of his choice. The first to be locked on the film was Pooja Hegde, followed by his close friend, Venkatesh. And now, Salman has got another actor from the Telugu industry on board and it’s none other than Jagapathi Babu,”
Interesting is that Jagapathi Babu is the first choice for Salman’s “Dabang 3” villain role. But due to uncertain reasons, he was not roped into the project. And now with ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’, we can see this duo on the silver screen.
Directed by Farhad Samji, the film also features stars like Raghav Juyal, Shehnaaz Gill, Jassie Gill and Siddharth Nigam in pivotal roles.