Get To Know 5 Most-Respected Women Of Indian Mythology

Indian Mythology is one of the oldest mythologies in the world. Although the records suggest that it has a history of 3000 years, many scholars claim that the Indian Vedas, scriptures began from 400 BCE to 400 CE. In simple, the first written scripture comes the age of Satyayuga, which is the age of the Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga, people of that age were believed, to be righteous and honest individuals. The deity people of that age prayed was Lord Vishnu. 

Most Sanathanists know the Hindu Gods, but very few have ever heard of the 5 most respected women of Indian Mythology. These women have been the most Karmic individuals in Indian Mythology, most importantly. They are believed to have devoted themselves to the well-being of the world and the people by living a not-so-easy life where they had to live in the forests and perform various difficult acts to set an example for society.

Kunti Devi, Draupadi, Mandodhari, Tara, and Ahalya are the most respected women of Indian Mythology, one common trait of all these five esteemed women as they were very devoted to their duties, in simple, doing Karma. (here, fulfilling one’s responsibilities and duties as a human)

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