The audience is intrigued by Megastar’s upcoming film, Vishwambhara, after the Bhola Shankar actor’s recent flops at the theatres. Mega fans are all focusing on this upcoming venture.
Vishwambhara is likely to commence shooting in December. The film, which recently started with a pooja ceremony, has an estimated budget of 200 crores. Director Vasishta emphasized the critical role VFX effects play in the movie.
Reportedly, almost 70 per cent of Vishwambhara will be dedicated to these technical effects as the project’s inception opts for the actor’s resemblance to his classic Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari.
Vasishta talked about doing Vishwambhara. His love for Jagadeka Veerudu Atilika Sundari and the actor’s pure fantasy movie inspired him to do films that add fantasy to VFX effects. He hinted about Panchbhutas and Trishul Shakti creating a new world for his imagination with impact.
The Bimbisara director claimed Anji is not a full-fledged movie, but the film released back then had full-fledged VFX effects but couldn’t impress the audience. Will Vishwambhara break the trend with heavy VFX effects?
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