Miss World latest comments on her film career..

Manushi Chhillar, the stunning beauty queen and Miss World 2017, recently opened up about the challenges she faced while trying to make her mark in the acting industry. Despite her undeniable talent and immense beauty, Manushi revealed that she was expected to work twice as hard as her peers, all in an effort to change the prevailing belief that beauty queens couldn’t act.

However, despite her relentless efforts and dedication, Manushi’s films sadly failed to make a mark at the box office. It is a harsh reality that being a beauty queen contest winner does not automatically guarantee success in the world of cinema. The audience’s expectations and the competitive nature of the industry proved to be formidable obstacles for Manushi, as she faced the daunting task of proving herself as a versatile actress.

Nevertheless, Manushi’s resolve remains unshaken. She understands that success doesn’t always come easy, and she is determined to continue honing her craft and making her presence felt on the silver screen. With her determination and passion, it’s only a matter of time before Manushi Chhillar’s talent shines through and dispels the notion that beauty queens can’t act.

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