Ace director Koratala Siva scored the first flop of his career with Acharya. Even though the movie was released with a lot of expectations, it bombed at the box office. Mega Star and Mega Power Star combined stamina was unable to save the film. While Megastar has moved on to his other projects, Koratala too has become busy with his script work on NTR 30. According to sources, the movie is going to sets in the next month and Jr NTR asked Koratala to take a break from the movie work and have some personal time.
But on the other hand, Koratala was very determined to get back on track, says sources. He rejected NTR’s suggestion and worked on his script intensely. At any cost, Koratala will be starting the shoot from next month, it’s said. His close associates say that Siva is very affected by the debacle of Acharya and wants to come out of that as soon as possible. That’s the reason he is not at all taking a break from the movies. It’s noteworthy that only SS Rajamouli and Koratala Siva used to be the directors without flops till Acharya. After that movie, it’s just SSR now in that list.