Exclusive: Reba Monica John’s next Telugu film fails to commence filming

Reba Monica John’s next Telugu film fails to commence filming. Read more to know.

The Karnataka-based actress Reba Monica John has recently signed her next film with one of the established Telugu actors. Despite having breakthrough projects in hand, the actress cannot be on sets as actor Sree Vishnu has signed various projects at the moment. Rebba and Sree Vishnu are set to join hands for their next project, but a recent report suggests that Sree Vishnu is busy filming for various films and needs to give more time for Rebba’s next. The Brochevarevarura actor is set to join the project as soon as he finishes filming for one of his previously signed films.

Reba Monica John debuted in the Telugu Film Industry through a suspense thriller Boo, which also encompasses a stellar cast; soon, the actress made her comeback through actor Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana. The actress also appeared in many South films. She worked in Malayalam, Kannada and Tamil movies, namely, Jacobinte Swargarajyam, Paippin Chuvattile Pranayam, Mikhael, Bigil, Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale, Forensic, Boo, Samajavaragamana, On the work front, the actress is filming for her next Kannada film, Sakalakala Vallabha.

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