Mrunal Thakur

1. What is Mrunal Thakur's Height?

Mrunal said, "'I am   5.6' and near to 5.7''

2. Is Mrunal Thakur Married?

Mrunal said, I would want to get married one day, but I'm not married yet.

3. What is Mrunal Thakur's Net Worth?

Mrunal intelligently responded saying '' No one can decide my worth''!

4. What is Mrunal Thakur's age?

she said 21! and Finally she confirmed it saying 31 years.

5. What was Mrunal's first film?

 Mrunal answered It's hello nandan, It's a marathi Film. 

6. Does Mrunal Speak telugu?

I understand Telugu well and I can speak my dialogues and to the very basic level.

7. Is Mrunal a star kid?

Mrunal said "My kids will be star kids but I am not a star kid''.