All the things you need to know about World Health Day

WHD has been celebrated since 1950 on April 7th.

It was first celebrated in Geneva

World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April of every year worldwide to spread awareness the importance of individuals well-being.

On the 76th Anniversary of World Health Organisation, they choose My Health, My Right as the theme for World Health Day 2024.

This theme enables the individuals to take their health seriously and to motivate them to take a step forward to take care of themselves

World Health Day is celebrated by everyone, corporate , government, NGO's, charitable organizations and many more institutions.

WHD marks the establishment of WHO

Haiti to Anambra State many nations celebrate WHD 

Haiti on the 76th Anniversary of WHO attempts to provide better Sanitation services for public health this year on 7th April.

WHO mainly focuses on providing awareness and treatment for Hypertension and its serious medical complications on April 7th 2024.