During the promotional activities for the film Kalank, Varun Dhawan recounted an amusing yet revealing incident from the set that showcased his bond with co-star Alia Bhatt.
Varun Dhawan Revealed Alia Bhatt remained silent and unresponsive
Varun Dhawan remembered a day when he arrived on set approximately 20 minutes late. Despite his apology to everyone present, including Alia Bhatt, there was a noticeable tension as Alia Bhatt remained silent and unresponsive.
Varun Dhawan was quick to act when Alia Bhatt did indeed lose her balance and began to fall
The situation took a turn when a crucial scene required Alia to board a carriage. Varun Dhawan, knowing that there was a high chance of her stumbling or falling, prepared himself for the moment. Varun Dhawan’s instinct proved correct when Alia Bhatt did indeed lose her balance and began to fall. Varun Dhawan was quick to act, catching her and preventing a potential mishap.
This episode highlighted not only the unpredictability of film shoots but also the importance of teamwork and quick thinking in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved. It also demonstrated the close bond between Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt, with Varun Dhawan’s actions helping to diffuse any residual tension and adding a humorous touch to an otherwise stressful situation.
Varun Dhawan’s quick reflexes managed to lighten the mood on set
The incident, while critical in ensuring Alia Bhatt’s safety, did not impress Abhishek Varman, the film’s director, who was apparently dissatisfied with the scene. Nevertheless, the unexpected fall and Varun Dhawan’s quick reflexes managed to lighten the mood on set. Alia Bhatt, despite initially being upset about the delay, found the situation amusing and ended up laughing about it.