Teja Sajja, who celebrates his 30th birthday today, has recently revealed some health challenges he faced while filming his previous project, HanuMan. In a throwback interview with Getup Srinu, Teja Sajja discussed the eye injury he sustained during the film’s production, which has necessitated upcoming eye surgery.
Teja Sajja Turns 30: Actor Opens Up About Eye Surgery and Injuries During HanuMan Shoot
During the interview, Teja Sajja detailed the difficulties he encountered while using low-quality lenses for his role. “We needed a specific color of lens that was unavailable in any reputable brand, so we ended up using lenses that cost just 25 rupees,” he explained. “I wore these lenses for about 80-90 days throughout the filming of intense action sequences. To achieve the red-eye effect, we used a lot of glycerine about 3-4 bottles.” Teja Sajja noted that this constant exposure to glycerine and the poor-quality lenses led to significant discomfort. His eyes began to itch severely, and he had trouble with light sensitivity and reading subtitles. A subsequent medical examination revealed that the lenses caused around 70 percent damage to one of his eyes.
In addition to his eye issues, Teja Sajja previously sustained shoulder and spine injuries while performing stunts for the song “Avakaaya Anjineya” in ‘HanuMan’. Despite these setbacks, Teja Sajja’s dedication to his craft remains unwavering. His perseverance continues to be a source of inspiration within the industry.
Teja Sajja is gearing up for the release of his next film, ‘Mirayi’, where he stars as the male lead opposite Ritika. The film also features Manchu Manoj as the antagonist in Karthik Ghattamaneni’s action fantasy and period drama. As he navigates these new projects, Teja Sajja’s resilience and commitment to his work remain evident, marking another milestone in his growing career.