Natural star Nani has bagged the hit of his recent film Saripodha Sanivaram and Actor Nani now backs Priyadarshi’s next project from the banner as a presenter.
The production house Wall Poster Cinema announced Priyadarshi’s new film which is titled ‘COURT – State vs A Nobody’ a directorial debut by Ram Jagadeesh and Produced by Prashanti Tipirneni, the story revolves around a legal fight for a boy who is unjustly implicated in a case
Wall Poster is best known for only producing content-driven films that are both commercially successful and critically acclaimed. The title poster shows Lady Justice standing in the witness box, her blindfolded gaze resolute as she grips a sword. Pigeons, symbols of peace, soar around her, creating a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere. The poster effectively captures the film’s themes of justice and conflict.
Actor Nani also took his x handle to introduce the film with post the poster. he captioned it, “This one will be a feather in wall poster cinema’s cap COURT – ‘State vs A Nobody’ and the pooja ceremony pictures are also out with an update on the movie that shooting starts in September. from the pooja ceremony pictures it seems like actor Sai Kumar and Sivaji are also part of the film.
Priyadarshi’s two movies 2024 Om Bheem Bush and Draling both were box office bombs and received negative reviews from critics lets wait and see what he is bringing with ‘COURT – State vs A Nobody’